Friday, August 14, 2009


Last night we went to State Farm park for dinner and dancing! Well, not all of us danced but there was a local band that played after dinner called Biscuit's and Gravy (B-n-G). Several of the band members are State Farm Employees. They played mostly 80's songs and were very good.
The kids had a great time playing together too!

Tracy, Lisa and me before the band started playing.... (Tracy and Lisa are on my team at work.)

Tracy's kids (Abby & Zach) and Grayson....
Aleigha at the park.....
The band - you can't see them very well but you get the idea....

Lisa- were you trying to dance?? ;) Lisa is with her oldest daughter, Carly. (Her two other kids are watching Mom in the background - secretly laughing!) haha

The band throws out biscuits during their performance and whoever catches the biscuit gets a free t-shirt! All of our kids are in the front row waiting for the buscuits!! None of them were lucky enough to catch one though. :(

1 comment:

Stacey said...

Oh the life of a State Farm employee..sigh... Looks like it was a lot of fun-Did you "cut a rug" like in the old days??