Wednesday, March 11, 2009

my b-day

I had a good day... nothing major. It never is after 30, is it?!?! Anyway, I had a spa pedicure in the morning and took Aleigha and Chewy on a walk in the afternoon. It was super chilly though! Jeff and Grayson made me a really yummy sprinkle birthday cake that I've been munching on ALL day. Jeff even dressed Aleigha this morning in a super cute outfit for my special day. :) (Chewy has to be in every picture - notice in the background)

Last night Grayson and Aleigha were playing peek-a-book and she was getting such a kick out of Grayson. It was really cute.

Then they both had on their Monkey pajamas so I thought it was a good photo op!

1 comment:

Stacey said...

Happy Birthday, Shell!! What more could you ask for-cute kids, pedicure, cake, husband who can bake???