Monday, June 29, 2009

backyard corner

Jeff completed a corner of our backyard today for the plastic slide and sand/water table. I think it looks great and both kids LOVE it because they can be as messy as they want!!

Saturday, June 27, 2009


Aleigha loves to feed herself and she's getting pretty good. Although, you can't tell from these ravioli pics. I'm also including a short video that shows that she really does get some food in her mouth!!

Grayson has been enjoying tennis this summer. Here are a few pics from practice.... He's in the red t-shirt in the front getting ready to hit.

He's in the hat on this one with his red shirt...

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

June 2009

I can't believe I haven't posted anything since June 7th! Where do I start? Everyone has been healthy and busy in our house. Grayson is in tennis and swimming this summer. He is also really into Godzilla the past few weeks. He has watched the movie 3 times and has a Nintendo DS Godzilla game so it's all the time! Aleigha is still doing great. She is feeding herself now. Still messy but not enough to stop her from doing it. She's also running all over the place. If she falls, she gets right back up and keeps going. She is also into showing off. It is very funny. She mimics everything I do now. If I'm cleaning windows, she has a towel right next to me. If I dust, then she dusts next to me. If I fold clothes, she "folds clothes" with me. :) It so cute!

We also spent a weekend at Starved Rock with my Mom, Jim, Aunt Jackie, Paul, Shana and baby Johnny. It was really fun. We stayed at the Grand Bear Lodge and I would recommend that lodge to anyone!

Here are some pictures from Starved Rock:

Playing with cousin Elizabeth:

We had Johnny's baptism last Saturday night. Kate and I were the Godmothers. Then on Sunday, Hallee Johnson was baptized and I was the Godmother for her. Twice in one weekend!

That's all I can think of for now.... Until next time! :)

Sunday, June 7, 2009

my sweet baby boy...

I found these two videos from 2004 when Grayson was 3. (I can't figure out how to turn them up and down but you can still get the point. ) :) TOO CUTE!! We were home in OH in the 1st video and we were visiting Shana and Paul in NY in the 2nd video. He was just thrilled with the little pull thing for the blinds.

Monday, June 1, 2009

May updates....

EAC Reunion on Memorial Day Weekend:

Here is Aleigha with 3 of her China "sisters" from our travel group.

Grayson, Melissa, Layna - swimming in the hotel pool

Grayson had a 1st grade poetry reading last week. He did a great job! They all memorized a poem individually and then together they recited about 5 more. It was very cute. :) I can't believe that 1st grade is over!!!

Here are 3 of Grayson's best friends in his class.

Aleigha at Tipton Park last weekend:

Jeff is digging up a corner of our yard for the little plastic slide and water table for the kids. He found this really long root while digging and Grayson has been using it as a whip to play Indiana Jones!