Sunday, March 29, 2009

Let's Eat!

I let Aleigha try to use a spoon today for the 1st time.... Too cute! (notice the piggy in the corner) haha

Grayson has been into jump-roping for a few weeks now. I took this photo today.

Then he came inside to talk to Aunt Shana....

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


I was a pretty nice weekend so we spent some time in the back yard. Aleigha loves to swing and so does Grayson!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

China - group picture

I forgot to post our China travel group picture while we were in China. This is all of the families with their babies. It was taken in the White Swan Hotel in Guangzhou, China.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Just a few updates....

Here is Aleigha's St. Patrick's Day outfit.

My mom had an open house for Aleigha on Sunday. Many of my friends and family showed up to meet Aleigha! She was a really good baby and let everyone hold her. She also loved the balloons!
What a CUTE cake! (no, Jeff didn't make it this time!) :)

My Aunt Jackie came over to visit last week so I took the opportunity for a photo opp. My Aunt Jackie and Uncle Paul are Aleigha's Godparents.

I start work tomorrow so I'm sure my posts will be less than it has been since Feb 11th when our "adventure" began with Aleigha!

Friday, March 13, 2009


Today Stacey and I met Amy, Brian, Trixie, Maisy and the newest Johnson - Miss Hallee May - in Normal. Hallee is two weeks old. We met at Medici's in downtown normal. Hallee is so cute and slept through the entire meal!

Stacey held Hallee through the entire meal and loved every minute of it! :)

The next two pictures are from yesterday at home.

What a cute smile.... :)

Aleigha with her new stand up toy..... She's starting to crawl and really wants to walk but she's still very shaky right now so we're just practicing.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

my b-day

I had a good day... nothing major. It never is after 30, is it?!?! Anyway, I had a spa pedicure in the morning and took Aleigha and Chewy on a walk in the afternoon. It was super chilly though! Jeff and Grayson made me a really yummy sprinkle birthday cake that I've been munching on ALL day. Jeff even dressed Aleigha this morning in a super cute outfit for my special day. :) (Chewy has to be in every picture - notice in the background)

Last night Grayson and Aleigha were playing peek-a-book and she was getting such a kick out of Grayson. It was really cute.

Then they both had on their Monkey pajamas so I thought it was a good photo op!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Portrait Innovations!

We finally broke down and went to Portrait Innovations today for some professional pics of our beautiful children!!! We lasted about a week since we've been home before the appointment. :) Since we already have Grayson's school picture, we mainly went for Aleigha and to get one of both of them together. She wasn't very cooperative so it was hard to get a smile but these turned out good anyway!

Thursday, March 5, 2009


I had terrible stomach flu this week and quarantined myself in my bedroom/bathroom for 36 hrs in hopes that no one in my family catches it from me! Grayson had a small bout yesterday but it wasn't nearly as bad as mine so I'm thankful about that.

Jeff and I are still exhausted from our trip and taking care of a 13 month old baby and 7 yr old. Hopefully, we'll get back in our groove soon. Aleigha is back on her normal sleep schedule... she sleeps pretty much all night. I am soooooo thankful for that. Her pediatrician appt went well this week. She has to have blood drawn though for some routine tests and that didn't go well. I have to take her back tomorrow after she's more hydrated. It was traumatizing - as expected.

I haven't taken any pictures this week since we've been in "survival mode" this week with my flu and Jeff having to take care of Everything else! Hats off to all of the single moms out there because it is the hardest job in the world!!!!

Monday, March 2, 2009


Grayson is reading his Spiderman magazine to Aleigha...

We had a big weekend with lots of visitors. Aleigha did really well and let everyone hold her. She is quite the ham now. However, she was very jealous of her cousin, Johnny. If anyone was holding him, she wanted to go to that person because she wanted the attention!
Grayson with Johnny and Aleigha... She still doesn't like to sit next to other babies!
Aunt Shana with Johnny and Aleigha....
Grandma Quinlan with Aleigha...

Shana took a lot more pictures during the weekend so I'll probably have more to post once she sends them to me.

We had Aleigha's pediatrician appt today and everything looks good. No problems. We have to get her blood drawn this week though to confirm that her previous vaccinations were actually done. That will not be fun but we don't want to re-vaccinate if we don't need to.
Here is a picture of Grayson's toothless grin. He lost 3 teeth during the two weeks we were gone!